Located in a beautiful setting on the edge of our village overlooking the surrounding countryside, Odcombe Village Hall is a modern, warm and very well-equipped facility with excellent parking.

Odcombe Village Hall

It is a thriving centre of activity and is used by a wide range of groups from within and beyond the local community. The variety and range of events on offer is extraordinary and ranges from Pilates, Latin Dance and Soul Stretch classes to Movie Nights, a monthly Community Cafe, Flower Show, Short Mat Bowls, Crafty Stitchers, Purple Patchers, Odcombe Football Club, Modern Sequence Dance, Jazz Practice and so on and on!

Please find a link to the latest Village Hall newsletter - Village Hall Newsletter - July 2024



For Bookings 

Please use the link www.hallbookingonline.com/odcombe

No Internet: Call Emma Watson on 07827889231 (Before 7pm)

Any queries: Email odcombehallbookings@gmail.com



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