
Traffic Regulation Order

Published: 30 Jan 25

Somerset Council have issued a dart Traffic Regulation Order covering the Broadway/Ham Hill Road junction with the effect being changes to the parking and waiting restrictions. A copy of the draft Traffic Regulation Order and the associated plans may be examined online at (Search under South Somerset Amendment No.34). If you are unable to access, please contact 0300 123 2224. Any person wishing to make representations or to object to the proposed Order should send a statement in writing of their representations or objection and state the grounds on which it is made to Somerset Council, via email to quoting Reference No. ET31102024 and received no later than 19th February 2025. Read More...


Published: 8 Jan 25

Happy new year to all from Odcombe Parish Council. It’s obviously a quiet period of the year in many respects but there are a number of things to report. We mentioned a number of forthcoming improvements in our October newsletter that are awaiting new budgets at Somerset Council. These included measures to reduce parking problems on junctions in a couple of areas in the village, the removal of the unsightly plastic bollards on the Camp Road and so on. We are happy to report that the replacement of 12 old street signs around the village has been completed. Many of these old signs were so worn that they were illegible but we were pleasantly surprised when we were told that that they would be replaced at no cost to ourselves. The new signs are at various locations around the village including on Old Road, Chapel Hill, Dray Road and so on. Should you wish to see them again, apparently the old signs have now been relocated to the Somerset Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury. December is the budget-setting month for the Parish Council as we are required to report the precept that will be charged for the following year. The precept is the amount of each resident’s council tax that is allotted to fund the work of the Parish Council directly in the village. It was a complicated discussion this year as it is obvious that the costs of services that the Parish Council buys on behalf of residents have risen significantly. Even simple things such as insurances for our recreation ground, repairs to play equipment, grounds maintenance services and so on now cost significantly more than in previous years. If the Parish Council were to maintain the precept at last year’s level we would be unable to afford the services to the village that we currently provide. We would also need to spend the limited reserves that we have - a situation which would obviously not be great for the future. A further factor was very important in our decision making. Mike Hewitson, our County Councillor attended our meeting and explained that he advised all of his parish councils to ensure that they have strong reserves in place because of the cuts that are are currently taking place at Somerset Council. We have therefore increased Odcombe Parish Council’s precept for the forthcoming year by 26% which equates to £19.77 over the year or the equivalent of 38 pence weekly. This calculation is for a Band ‘D’ property which is the median household in the village. Unfortunately, this precept level does not significantly change the financial outlook for the parish council - but it does enable us to maintain the services that we currently provide and ensure that we have funds in place to respond to the changes that are taking place at county council level and elsewhere. We have also mentioned in previous posts that we are in the process of updating the parish council website. The existing site has now been in place for over 5 years and we are intending the new site to act as a much more useful information ‘hub’ with a news feed, a link to our Facebook page and direct information about local road closures and so on. We expect that the new site will go live in February of this year. We would like to express our thanks in advance to Ed Gorochowski of Hedgehog Photographic for his kindness in allowing the use of his stunning images of Odcombe on the site ! Dave Peters Read More...


Published: 22 Nov 24

Urgent Road Closure: – ttro207794S - WW - Ham Hill, Stoke Sub Hamdon Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent) road closure at Ham Hill, Stoke sub Hamdon which will commence on 27th November 2024 - 28th November 2024 (18:00 - 06:00) for a total of 1 night. This will enable Wessex Water to replace communication pipe relay. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is not permitted on this occasion. For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro207794S Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review. Read More...


Published: 30 Oct 24

Please click on heading to view message


Published: 28 Oct 24

THE TRIANGLE TRUST supports patients of Hamdon Medical Centre by purchasing equipment not readily available on the NHS. The trust would like to invite local residents to a wine and cheese information evening whereby more information about the work they undertake and how to become a committee member will be available. There are two sessions: The Lighthouse Café, Stoke sub Hamdon on 14th November 2024, 7pm to 8pm Montecute Village Hall, on 19th November 2024, 8pm to 9pm Further information can be found vis the link below Read More...


Published: 24 Oct 24

For information, the defibrillator at Odcombe Village Hall is back in service. Read More...


Published: 22 Oct 24

FOR INFORMATION The defibrillator located at Odcombe Village Hall is out of service for repairs. The defibrillator housed within the phone box, Lower Odcombe remains in service. The key code for the lock can be obtained by calling 999 and asking for the ambulance service. Information on understanding defibrillators: what they are and how to use them can be found via the link. Read More...

Letter To Adam Dance MP

Published: 5 Sep 24

Please click on the heading above to access a letter sent to Adam Dance MP by the Parish Council regarding Chinnock Hollow. The letter is in response to one received on the subject from the MP. Read More...

Chairmans Message August 2024

Published: 27 Aug 24

Hopefully everyone is still enjoying the summer - as we write the forecast is for dry and settled weather for at least the next couple of weeks ! There are a number of things to report since our last post and village hall newsletter item. We hoped to have completed the re-marking of the village hall car park in advance of the flower show but unfortunately things didn’t go completely to plan. After a morning’s very hard work to remove the loose gravel from the car park surface it rained immediately before the contractor was due to repaint the white lines. This brought a lot more dust and loose material to the surface and the contractor advised that his method of lining would not be durable enough to be worthwhile. However, our ‘Plan B’ is to etch the parking spaces ourselves with an appropriate acrylic marker which can be done at negligible cost. Whilst this approach is not as permanent as having it done professionally, it is very cheap and can be continually refreshed as required. We are about to mark the spaces on the playing field side of the car park as a trial. This year’s flower show was clearly a huge success and we hope that visitors will have appreciated the outstanding condition of the recreation ground on the day. The parish council are extremely grateful to our grounds contractor who returned in the middle of his family holiday to ensure that everything was properly cut and tidied in readiness. As readers will be aware from our previous post, as part of our agreement with our grounds contractor we have a number of ‘ranger days’ built in every month for work beyond the normal process of cutting and maintenance. He has now completed cutting back the edges of the village hall car park and has also just recut the length of Orchard Path. His next priorities include the footpath leading to the bus stop on the Montacute Road and the vegetation around the church perimeter wall. The parish council often deals queries regarding use of the recreation ground, and it can become complicated with regard to liabilities, insurance and balancing the requirements and safety of different users. We have recently posted our ‘Recreation Ground Usage and Access Policy’ which clarifies the principles around the use of the recreation ground, and it can be found at POLICIES - Odcombe Parish Council We also recently organised a walk around the village for the purpose of assessing areas that could be improved. We are very grateful to Mark Rodber and Steve Cook for their contribution to this. A number of issues were immediately obvious - most notably badly overgrown hedges and verges in a number of places that are constraining visibility, narrowing the roads and obscuring road signs. Terry Heath wrote to Somerset Council to ask whether they will be doing further hedge and verge cutting, and their immediate response was that they will not. We are therefore hiring our own contractor to manage the most badly affected areas in Dray Road, Boundhay and Donne Lane and areas in Lower Odcombe. We are hoping that this can be done as early as possible in September. Terry also wrote to our local councillors to request action on a range of other issues that were noted including obscured signposts, dilapidated street name signs and so on. We are awaiting their response. Some of the hedge and vegetation growth that was noted is the responsibility of individual homeowners and we are writing to request that it be cut back. One of the things that was evident during our walk around the village was that even where individual shrubs or bushes encroach the highway it can force drivers into the centre or opposite side of the road which constrains traffic and is obviously also a safety issue. We are very grateful to our local PCSO who manages to attend the start of most of our meetings despite an extremely busy and pressured role. On a positive note, she informed our previous meeting that incidents of crime in and around Odcombe are very low compared to neighbouring areas. She has also managed to produce a dataset that focuses specifically on our area and we hope to publish this on the website as soon as we receive it. She is also always happy to discuss highways-related and other matters with residents when requested. Adam Dance, the Member of Parliament for Yeovil has written to local parish councils to ascertain the views of local residents regarding the reopening of Chinnock Hollow. This is because our local councillors have asked him to write to the Minister of State for Transport to ask for special funding to do so. We intend to randomly sample 25 homes in the village to ascertain their views on the reopening of Chinnock Hollow in order that we can respond to this request in an informed way. However, if you would like to be certain that your view is included in our response, please email Terry Heath at Read More...

Report a problem on the road

Published: 29 Jun 24

You can report a problem on the road to Somerset Council via the link below. This includes potholes, street lighting, drains and gullies. Read More...


Published: 28 May 24

Temporary Road Closure: ttro930254S - Old Road, Odcombe. Please follow the link to view the above road closure; and the link for the Notice 2: The works are expected to commence on 20th June 2024 and last for 2 days (08:00 - 16:30) to enable Utility Services Ltd to replace a pole on behalf of Openreach. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted on this occasion. For any further information about this closure please contact Utility Services Ltd on 0787 683 3961, quoting reference: ttro930254S Read More...

Chairmans Message May 2024

Published: 21 May 24

We hope that summer is going well for all. As always - there is plenty to report from the Parish Council since our last post. You may have noticed the work taking place to refresh the ‘finger’ signposts around the village. These had become degraded and tatty looking over time and it makes a huge difference to have them properly prepared and repainted. These are all now restored back to their original excellent condition and should look good for the foreseeable future. This work was part of a range of refurbishments which included the repainting of signposts and benches at the recreation ground along with the replacement of old signage. This work is now almost complete with most of the new signs in place. We are now just awaiting the production of a fresh copy of the village map for the large signboard that sits parallel to the football pitch. We would like to thank Jack Loxton for his kind assistance with this. Now that the car park surface has been refurbished and is stable, we are hoping to finish this project with new line-marking. This will further smarten up the overall appearance and make the most efficient use of the area during busy periods. We are now in the process of getting quotations for this work. We are also very grateful to be working jointly with the Village Hall Committee on this project who are contributing half of the funding as well as being involved in the design process for the layout. Hopefully residents will also have noticed the range of work being carried out by our new contractor at the recreation ground. Part of the plan is to cut the grass edges much more closely which should hopefully delineate the areas that are deliberately being left uncut to create a more ‘managed’ appearance throughout. As part of our agreement with the new contractor we have a number of ‘ranger days’ built in each month that allow for work beyond the normal process of cutting and maintenance. Priorities for these additional days include tidying back the edges of the car park following the resurfacing project as well as keeping on top of other areas of the village where vegetation growth needs dealing with. An obvious priority is Orchard Path which has become overgrown extremely quickly with the recent spate of warm, damp weather. We are also about to undertake a review of the Parish Council website. The site, which looked fresh and contemporary a couple of years ago is now in need of a major refresh and we would welcome any views on adjustments that would improve it. One of the things that we would very much like to include is an inventory of businesses, clubs, societies and services in the village that could be a useful feature for residents. If you would like to be included in this section, please email Terry Heath at The Parish Council has also just successfully undergone its yearly internal audit process which is a relief for all concerned - particularly the clerk as this is a huge amount of work ! Whilst this may not seem an interesting item to report, it is important for us to demonstrate that public funds are being managed appropriately and that the council’s governance processes are robust and open to scrutiny. With regard to the financial difficulties at Somerset Council and the potential impact on the village there is currently nothing new to report. However, whilst we have received little new information of late, our clerk has been working proactively with other local parish councils to explore potential areas for cooperation as the situation develops. Read More...


Published: 25 Apr 24

The Parish Council have been notified of a planned temporary road closure along Camp Road. The works are expected to commence on 21st May 2024 and last for 9.5 hours (08:00 - 16:30) to enable Utility Services Ltd to replace poles on behalf of Openreach. Please follow the link to view the road closure; For any further information about this closure please contact Utility Services Lts on 0787 683 3961, quoting reference: ttro861279S. Read More...

Ham Hill Road closure.

Published: 24 Apr 24

Terry Heath, Clerk to the Parish Council, liaised with our local county councillors, the Highways Department, and the contractor yesterday regarding the current closure to the Ham Hill Road. This was in response to understandable concerns expressed by residents about difficulties being caused by vehicles re-routing through the village to avoid the closure. Unfortunately, Parish Councils are not consulted regarding road closures and have no authority with regard to highway matters. It was explained that the scale of the work and the risk of further collapses onto the road surface necessitated a full closure of the road and that the diversion routes are planned and implemented accordingly. However, we were also told that many of the significant problems in the village are caused by drivers ignoring road closure signs and diversion routes and trying to proceed regardless Read More...

Finger Signs

Finger Signs

Published: 22 Apr 24

Residents may have noticed workmen cleaning and repainting the iconic village ‘finger’ signposts in the village over the last week or so. Odcombe Parish Council commissioned this project as part an agenda to maintain the tidy and well-kept appearance of the village wherever possible. It’s surprising how quickly things become dirty and degraded and it will be excellent to have them looking their best again ! This work is part of the similar project that is taking place at the recreation ground which has involved the repainting of the seats, railings, signposts and the installation of new signage amongst other things. Read More...


Published: 18 Apr 24

Urgent / emergency Road Closure: – ttro338430S - WHA - Street Lane, Odcombe The Parish Council this morning received a notification of a TTRN (urgent / emergency) road closure at Street Lane, Odcombe will commence on 22nd April 2024 - 12th May 2024 (00:00 - 23:59) for a total of 21 days. This will enable W H Adams & Sons Construction Ltd to carry out works to repair a damaged wall. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is not permitted on this occasion. For any further information about this closure please contact C H Contracting (South West) Ltd on 0137 347 1268, quoting reference: ttro338430S Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review. Read More...

Annual Parish Meeting

Published: 4 Apr 24

The 2024 Annual Parish meeting is scheduled for Monday 15th April 2024, starting at 7:30pm. The meeting will be held in the Village Hall whereby an Annual Report of the Parish Council will be given. Read More...

Somerset’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Published: 6 Mar 24

Somerset Council has been appointed and funded by Defra to lead the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Somerset. The LNRS is about creating a blueprint for the recovery of nature across the country. Working with partners Somerset Council are developing Somerset’s LNRS strategy, it will help focus the work for a full range of organisations and groups, involved and invested in nature recovery in the county. To help shape the strategy, Somerset Council would like to gain local knowledge from those who live and work in somerset and therefore have launched a public consultation which is open until 30 April. You can take part by visiting: Read More...

Yeovil Half Marathon Vehicle Restrictions

Published: 4 Mar 24

The Parish Council have been made aware of traffic restrictions during the morning of 24th March 2024 whilst the Yeovil half marathon is taking place. Please click on heading to find more details. Read More...

Message from the Parish Council Chairman

Published: 23 Jan 24

Happy new year to all from Odcombe Parish Council! As always, there is plenty to report with positive news to start. The parish council recently spent significant time exploring ways of saving money on the power supply costs for the village hall car park lighting and the defibrillator located in Lower Odcombe. Whilst this might seem negligible, we are on an ‘unmetered’ supply meaning that the original sodium lighting was extremely expensive to run - particularly with increased power costs. The excellent news is that we have now completed the installation of highly efficient LED lighting and our power usage has been re-rated. Yearly cost savings are expected to be around 75%. Put simply - this is money that can now be used for other things. The resurfacing of the village hall car park is scheduled to take place during the February half term in the week beginning February 12th. As you will imagine, this has been a complex project - not least in ensuring that the job will be done properly and achieve value for money for Odcombe residents, but also because of the need to liaise with all concerned who use this busy area of the village. We’d like to apologise for the inconvenience to users of the play area at the recreation ground and for the unsightly damage to the landscaping that was left by the contractor during the installation of a new supply to the Village Hall. Whilst this was not a project commissioned by Odcombe Parish Council, we had been assured by all parties involved that they would conduct proper oversight and management to minimise damage and ensure public safety at all times. Unfortunately, exactly the opposite was the case. We are currently in discussion with everyone involved to ensure that the site is made good, and the landscaping restored to its previous condition. Odcombe parishioners will now be aware that Somerset Council is in severe financial difficulty. We detailed in a previous post that they are now involved in what they are terming a ‘devolution’ process in which they are consulting with parish and town councils with regard to them taking over services and facilities that they may be unable to afford to deliver in the future. At a recent meeting to explore how this is likely to impact Odcombe residents we were assured that there is unlikely to be a sudden drop-off in local services as they are aiming for a period of transition over the next year or so. We will obviously keep residents fully updated as the process develops. Read More...


Published: 12 Jan 24

Emergency Road Closure: – ttro219828S - Chapel Hill, Odcombe Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent / emergency) road closure at Chapel Hill, Odcombe which commenced on 12th January 2024 - 16th January 2024 (00:00 - 23:59) for a total of 5 days. Access will be maintained for school buses. This will enable Wessex Water to carry out mains leak repairs. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is not permitted on this occasion. For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro219828S Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review Read More...

Car Park Closure

Published: 10 Jan 24

The Parish Council would like to make you aware that the car park at Odcombe Village Hall will be out of action the week of 12th February 2024 for resurfacing work. Access for the five working days that week will be limited to emergency services only. Access to the hall can be made on foot via Rex Road. For more information please email the Clerk at Read More...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Published: 31 Dec 23

The Parish Council would like to wish residents of Odcombe, family and friends a very happy new year Read More...

Message from the Parish Council Chairman

Published: 20 Dec 23

Happy Christmas to all ! The Parish Council will now be making a monthly communications as an additional means of keeping everyone fully informed. This is partly prompted by the changes that may occur as a result of the financial problems at Somerset Council, but there is always a busy agenda of work at the parish council and we’d like to communicate this clearly to all. Excellent news to start - the long-awaited car park refurbishment is scheduled to take place in the week beginning February 12th next year. This has been a complicated process but we have used an outstanding surveyor who has advised us at all stages to ensure that we achieve the best possible solution within our budget. Less positive is the news is that the new Somerset Council is in severe financial difficulty. Significant factors contributing to the problem are the rising cost of social care and high inflation. The Parish Council have been in constant communication with our county councillors and are involved in county-wide meetings to keep us updated. Mike Hewitson, our county councillor, attended the last parish council meeting and explained that whilst they do not fully understand the scale of the problem, they will be in significant financial difficulty. As a result, Somerset Council are now involved in what they are calling a ‘devolution’ process in which they are consulting with parish and town councils with regard to them taking responsibility for services that they may be unable to deliver in the future. Such services could include hedge and visibility-splay cutting, gulley clearance, road gritting, tree services, dog-waste bin clearance, support for public park areas such as Ham Hill and so-on. This is going to become a very important area of work for Odcombe Parish Council as we discuss and negotiate the services that we are prepared to take over from the unitary council. There will clearly be difficult decisions to be made about Odcombe Parish Council’s ability to provide particular services and whether it is cost-effective to do so. We will keep residents updated at every stage of the process. Read More...

Car Park at Village Hall

Published: 19 Dec 23

Would residents who park their vehicles in the Village Hall car park overnight be so kind as to contact the Parish Clerk at Read More...


Published: 25 Nov 23

Have your say on Somerset Rivers Authority's proposed new Strategy and Flood Action Plan. Everybody in Somerset is affected by flooding. Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) exists to reduce flooding. This website has been set up by the SRA so that you can give us your views about what we should be doing over the next 10 years, and how. Please respond by 31 December 2023 by following the link below. Read More...


Published: 18 Nov 23

The Parish Council have been informed by County Highways that as part of the Chinnock Hollow closure certain signage and lining revisions are being implemented over the coming weeks. This will include the re-positioning of the East Chinnock finger arm on the existing post at the junction of Old Road and Camp Road. The arm will be moved to point south east along Camp Road. Read More...

Village Hamstone

Village Hamstone

Published: 15 Nov 23

Today the placement of the ‘Welcome to Odcombe’ Hamstone, quarried from Ham Hill, was completed. Many thanks to Ham and Daulting Stone for their workmanship. Funding for this project came via an award for winning Somerset village of the year. The Parish Council hope that residents and visitors enjoy the stone as they enter the village from Camp Road. Read More...

Advice from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service Storm Ciarán

Published: 1 Nov 23

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service have issued advice for anyone experiencing power cuts due to Storm Ciarán. Please copy and paste the following link into your browser: K3A63010573BAFBE7EF76/cr.aspx Read More...


Published: 16 Sep 23

On Monday 18th September 2023 as part of the Parish Council meeting, Conrad Energy have offered to give a short presentation followed by a Q&A session on the planning application for a Solar Park along Camp Road. Residents are most welcome to join us at the Village Hall where the meeting will commence at 7:30pm. Details of the planning application can be found at: online-applications/ RZFTTGOWMBI00 Read More...


Published: 15 Sep 23

Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent) road closure at Lower Odcombe, Odcombe which will commence on 20th September 2023 - 21st September 2023 (00:00 - 23:59) for a total of 2 days. This will enable Wessex water to carry out works to replace a valve. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is not permitted on this occasion. For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro829169S. Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review. Read More...


Published: 13 Sep 23

The Parish Council have just been notified of an urgent road closure at Lower Odcombe, Odcombe which commenced on 12th September 2023 - 15th September 2023 (00:00 - 23:59) for a total of 4 days. This will enable Wessex Water to repair fire hydrant. For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro137391S. Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Read More...

Volunteer Drivers Needed

Published: 11 Sep 23

People across Somerset with no transport of their own need help to get to important medical appointments. From routine checks to cardiology and cancer-related care, these Somerset residents benefit enormously from reliable volunteer drivers to get them there. The team also support adults and children with journeys relating to social care. Somerset Council’s current volunteer drivers are in need of new recruits, to support the NHS and the Council in ensuring patients get the care and treatment that they need. It is an ideal opportunity for anybody over 18 with a full UK driving licence and four-door car to do something for their community; particularly those who enjoy driving and meeting new people. Patients appreciate the opportunity to chat to their drivers too, since some live in socially or geographically isolated situations. To find out more about the role and apply, please visit: Read More...

Gambling Policy Consultation

Published: 18 Aug 23

Somerset Council has to review its Gambling Policy every three years. The Policy document sets out our approach to the Council's licensing functions in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005. The policy will ensure: • Activities are conducted fairly and openly • Prevention of crime and disorder • Children and vulnerable people are protected from harm or exploitation Comments are invited on the draft revised Gambling Policy from all interested parties including residents and those running businesses in the County, the consultation documents can be found at /licensing/gambling-policy-consultation/ The consultation will close on 22nd September 2023. and responses will be considered, and any appropriate amendments will be made. Read More...

Chinnock Hollow

Published: 1 Aug 23

Somerset Council is reminding motorists and pedestrians that Chinnock Hollow near Yeovil remains closed for the foreseeable future on safety grounds. Road closure signage is back in place today (1 August) following the unauthorised overnight removal of debris and signage from the road. Chinnock Hollow has been closed since February 2021 following a landslide that saw 20 tonnes of rock and sand fall into the road. The stability of the road is uncertain and an independent report outlined costs of up to £2.7million to make the road safe. It is not possible to identify external funding for such a scheme at this point and the money is not available within current budgets. Read More...

PCSO Visits to Village

PCSO Visits to Village

Published: 11 Jul 23

The Parish Council, in partnership with the Village Hall Committee have arranged, subject to operational availability, Odcombe’s Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) to visit during the café morning on 24th July 2023 and the Village Fete on 12th August 2023 to answer any policing questions you may have. Read More...

Message from Somerset Council Waste Services

Published: 11 Jul 23

Message from Somerset Council Waste Services Industrial action suspended We can confirm that strike action by Somerset waste collection crews has been suspended for two weeks pending a union ballot. Talks today between the Unite union and SUEZ recycling and recovery UK - the Council’s collections contractor - made progress and the union has agreed to ballot its membership on an improved pay offer. The strike action that was planned to start on Wednesday (12 July) has been suspended pending the outcome of the ballot and all collections services should be running as normal. Residents are asked to present their refuse, recycling and garden waste as usual. There is a chance that tomorrow’s services may be compromised to some extent given the late notice of suspension of industrial action. There is some way to go and a risk of industrial action remains, but the immediate widespread disruption to collections has been avoided. The online garden waste form has been reinstated to take new subscriptions, renewals and requests for replacement garden waste bins. We are also taking requests for container deliveries. In the coming days we will be working through reinstating bulk waste collections. Please continue to use the website for the latest updates and advice. Read More...

Orchid seen at Recreation Ground

Orchid seen at Recreation Ground

Published: 30 Jun 23

Thanks to Rob who sent in a picture of an Orchid seen at the recreation ground today. Read More...



Published: 14 Jun 23

The Parish Council have been notified of a road closure, Street Lane, Odcombe. Closure will commence on 15th June 2023 through to 19th June 2023 (00:00 - 23:59) for a total of 5 days. This will enable Wessex Water to carry out service repair works. For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 03456 004600, quoting reference: ttro031389SS. Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Read More...

Chinnock Hollow

Chinnock Hollow

Published: 12 Jun 23

Today, Somerset Council have confirmed to the Parish Council that Chinnock Hollow will remain closed indefinitely. Councillor Mike Rigby, Somerset Council’s Lead Member for Transport and Digital said: “We understand people’s concerns about an indefinite closure of Chinnock Hollow, but the reality is that there just isn’t the available budget to consider this scheme. “We cannot justify spending nearly £3 million when there are so many pressing and competing maintenance priorities across more than 4,100 miles of road in Somerset, and there is no available funding from Government. “It’s simply not possible to open the road and hope for the best when there is a substantial risk of a further significant land-slide.The Council is liable for any resulting injury or fatality and must take every possible precaution to ensure the safety of the public. “The road must therefore remain closed until such time as funding can be identified to safely reopen it. We will continue to explore any potential avenues for funding.” “We are liaising with the communities in the immediate area to listen to concerns people may have and we will be arranging a further engagement event to give people the chance to speak to our specialist team.” Read More...


Published: 3 Apr 23

The Parish Council have been notified of an emergency road closure in on Street Lane, Odcombe between the 4th April 2023 and 6th April 2023. Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Read More...

Think Travel

Published: 31 Mar 23

If you don’t own a car - or you want to leave it at home and travel more sustainably, Think Travel can help you with your transport options. Whether it’s getting to the doctors, shops, travelling to work, college, or school, or just into town to meet friends or family, the new travel planner shows you what’s available. It covers public transport, community transport, the Slinky demand responsive transport service and car sharing. Visit: Read More...


Published: 6 Feb 23

This morning the Parish Council received notification of a temporary road closure for today Dray Road, Odcombe to enable Openreach to carry out works on overhead structure. Please visit where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue). Read More...

Road Closure

Published: 3 Feb 23

The Parish Council have been made aware of a planned road closure. Camp Road, West Coker and Odcombe Please follow the link to view the above road closure; The works are expected to commence on 27th February 2023 and last for 5 days(09:30-15:30) to enable Openreach to carry out underground works.. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted For any further information about this closure please contact Sunbelt Rentals on 0370 0500 792, quoting reference: ttro774102SS Read More...

Lower Odcombe Speed Limit

Published: 23 Jan 23

The Parish Council are currently assessing the feasibility of the introduction of a 20mph speed limit zone in Lower Odcombe. However, the process is extremely difficult and takes a considerable amount of time and resource. A successful outcome is also far from guaranteed. To assist with our efforts residents are asked to report any occurrences where damage has been observed to vehicles or property or instances of dangerous driving in Lower Odcombe to the Clerk to the Parish Council at The information received will then be collated for regular updates to the Parish Council and County Councillors. Read More...

Car Parking Issues

Published: 21 Jan 23

The Parish Council has been made aware of a number of car parking-related issues throughout the village. These include the blocking driveways and access to homes, reducing visibility at junctions, parking on grass verges and so on. Whilst the Parish Council has no direct powers with regard to parking it would politely ask residents to be considerate of the needs of others and respectful toward the amenity of the village. Read More...



Published: 16 Dec 22

Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent / emergency) road closure at Dray Road, Odcombe which commenced on 15th December 2022 - 21st December 2022 (15:30 - 23:59) for a total of 7 days. This will enable Wessex Water to carry out service repair works. Read More...

Ham Hill receives National Lottery Heritage Fund Grant

Published: 15 Dec 22

Ham Hill has been awarded a grant of £1.6 million from the National Lottery’s Heritage Fund for its project ‘Uncovering Ham Hill’s past for its future”. Read More...

Water Supply Issues

Published: 11 Dec 22

Wessex Water are investigating a number of water supply issues in the village Read More...


Published: 8 Dec 22

These easy to use camera units connect directly to your smartphone or tablet (either Android or Apple), providing a thermal image of your home or building. The image can be used to identify potential improvements within your home to improve energy efficiency and reduce bills. Available to loan upon request from: Bruton, Castle Cary, Chard, Crewkerne, Ilminster, Langport, Martock, Milborne Port, Somerton, South Petherton, Wincanton and Yeovil Libraries. For more info visit: NB: Borrowers need to be 18yrs +and full members of Somerset Libraries Read More...

Parish Council Facebook Page

Parish Council Facebook Page

Published: 30 Nov 22

Odcombe Parish Council now has its own dedicated Facebook page. Please feel free to take a look and share with friends. Read More...

Lower Odcombe Speed Limit

Lower Odcombe Speed Limit

Published: 28 Oct 22

Following discussions with local residents the Council are to work closely with Somerset County Council on undertaking a feasibility study to reduce the speed limit through Lower Odcombe to 20mph (click heading for more details) Read More...

Road Closure Notice

Published: 8 Oct 22

Temporary Road ttro728768SS - Dray Road, Boundhay and Cherry Lane, Odcombe. The works are expected to commence on 1st November 2022 and last for 4 days to enable Tlu Contracts Ltd to carry out rodding, roping and testing existing duct on behalf of Openreach. Read More...

Chinnock Hollow

Published: 3 Oct 22

Council calls public meeting to discuss next steps for Chinnock Hollow. Click on title for more information. Read More...

Book of Condolence/laying of flowers

Published: 10 Sep 22

Following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen, a Book of Condolence will be placed in the Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul and available for signing from Sunday 11th September between the hours of 10.00am and 4.00pm. The Book of Condolence will remain in place until 4:00pm the day after the funeral. Flowers can also be laid at the Church in a designated area. However, please can we ask that no plastic wrapping is used. Read More...

Queen Elizabeth II

Published: 9 Sep 22

All of us at Odcombe Parish Council are deeply saddened to hear of Her Majesty the Queen's passing. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the Queen's family and to all those in our community who are mourning her loss. May she rest in peace. Details of a place for residents to lay flowers and an opening of a Book of Condolence will be published later today. Read More...

Temporary Road Closure

Published: 25 Aug 22

Temporary Road Closure: ttro518302SS - Chevron - Old Road, Odcombe. The works are expected to commence on 19th September 2022 and last for 14 days to enable Chevron to carry out urgent wall repairs Read More...

Village Hall Defibrillator

Published: 4 Aug 22

The defibrillator located at the Village Hall will be out of service for part of Friday 5th August as it requires an important software update. There is a defibrillator located in the Phone Box, Lower Odcombe which will remain in-service. Read More...

Lower Odcombe defibrillator

Published: 2 Aug 22

On Monday 8th August 2022, there will be an official opening of the Lower Odcombe defibrillator, situated in the Phone Box. The installation of this defibrillator by Odcombe Parish Council was made possible by kind support from Greensleeves Nursery & Farm Shop, Lower Odcombe Read More...

Ham Hill Heritage Fund Project Consultation 14th July

Published: 24 Jun 22

For more details, please see link to poster

Road Closure 12th July

Published: 17 Jun 22

Ham Hill Road, Odcombe. 12th July 2022 and last for 6 hours (09:00 - 15:30) to enable Utility Services Ltd to carry out poling works on behalf of BT Openreach. Read More...

Parish Councillor Vacancy

Published: 31 May 22

The Council have 3 vacant positions. If you are interested, please get in touch with the Clerk; Read More...

Waste Collections - June 2022

Published: 30 May 22

Details of changes to waste collection dates due to Jubilee holidays Read More...

Village Of The Year Award Ballot

Published: 30 May 22

In 2020 the village was awarded an amount of £2000 as winner of the village of the year. Voting will take place over the Jubilee weekend to determine how the Village wishes the money to be spent Read More...

Road Closure 30th/31st May

Published: 5 May 22

Camp Road, West Coker and Odcombe

Road Closure 3 - 5 May

Published: 4 May 22

Dray Road - Donne Lane

2022 Annual Parish Meeting

Published: 4 Apr 22

Why not come along to the 2022 Annual Parish Meeting - 11th April 2022 commencing at 8:00pm in the Village Hall Read More...

Temporary Road Closure

Published: 26 Feb 22

Boundhay - from the junction with Dray Road, northwards for a distance of 42 metres to be closed between 21st March and 29th April 2022. Read More...


Published: 2 Feb 22

Clerk to the Parish Council

Covid 19 Vaccinations

Published: 22 Dec 21

Details of where any one over the age of 12 can get vaccinated Read More...


Published: 30 Nov 21

Latest news as a result of the new variant Read More...

Avian Flu

Published: 8 Nov 21

Avian Flu - regulations now in force

Chinnock Hollow

Published: 11 Oct 21

An update on Chinnock Hollow from County Councillor Keating Read More...

£5,000 grants to help rural businesses bounce back

Published: 31 Aug 21

The Rural Services Grant Fund is part of a £6m package of funding from Somerset County Council which aims to kickstart the county’s economy. Read More...

Scams - HMRC

Published: 21 Jul 21

Beware of scams purporting to come from HMRC


Published: 14 Jul 21

Lifting of restrictions from 19th July

Solar Power Offer

Published: 24 May 21


Private Fostering

Published: 15 Mar 21


South Somerset NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

Published: 15 Mar 21

Are you at risk of diabetes?

Coronavirus help

Published: 7 Jan 21

For help with wellbeing and mental health during this lockdown Read More...

Volunteers for Somerset Sight needed

Published: 22 May 20

Volunteers needed for Somerset Sight - can you help? Read More...

Fly tipping

Published: 24 Apr 20

Reporting fly tipping

Odcombe Newsletter

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